(Abronia mixteca)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: Endemic to Mexico. Known only from two localities in Oaxaca and Guerrero.

Physical characteristics: Dorso - ventrally compressed lizard with triangular head, reaching SV length of 14 cm. Characteristic features include: Superciliar scale in contact with cantoloreal, frontonasal is large. Four scales in first row of temporals. 28 - 31 rows of transversal dorsal scales. Coloration variable, from yellowish to brownish, with 6 - 8 not well defined transversal dark stripes on dorsum. Labia, throat and eyelids with yellowish scales.

Food habits: In captivity feeds mainly on insects, but reportedly also consumes smaller species of lizards.

Reproduction: Viviparous. In captivity 7 live lizards were born 7 moths after copulation.

Behavior: Arboreal, usually found in epiphytic vegetation.

Pine (pine - oak) forest in altitudes of 2100 - 2400 m above sea level.

Biomes: temperate forests

Conservation: Species listed in NOM (Norma Oficial Mexicana) as species in risk, due to significant habitat loss, small area of distribution and suspected pressure from illegal trade.

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