(Ateles geoffroyi)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: Found from Mexico to Panama. In Mexico from Tamaulipas on Atlantic slope and on both coast from Isthmus de Tehuantepec south.

Physical characteristics: Large monkey with long legs, arms and prehensile tail. Subspecies differ in coloration. Mexican form is black with lighter underbody.

Food habits: Herbivorous. Mostly ripe fruit. Other vegetable matter like leaves, bark and flowers is consumed.

Reproduction: One young is born after 7 months of gestation. Females breed every 2 -4 years.

Behavior: Arboreal. Great climber. Lives in groups of 15 -40 individuals, which occasionally spilt to smaller subgroups.

Habitat: Lowlands to 1800m. Evergreen forest, dry forest, mangroves, riparian vegetation.

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