(Bassariscus astutus)
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Geographic range: Nearctic: Found from N USA (Oregon) to Isthmus of Tehuantepec in S Mexico.

Physical characteristics: Catlike in form. Body length 30 - 40 cm, tail the same size. Overall color is buff, paler on underbody, darker on upperbody. Feet are buff, (in real ted species Cacomixtle (Bassariscus sumichrasti) - feet are black). Tail is bushy with black and white rings. Eyes are ringed by black or dark brown and set within buff patches. Claws are semiretractible.

Food habits: Omnivorous. Feeds on rodents, rabbits, squirrels, and insects, birds, lizards, snakes, frogs, and carrion is also eaten. Plant matter eaten includes acorns, mistletoe, juniper berries, persimmons, wild figs and other fruits.

Reproduction: Reproduces once a year. Gestation period ranges from 51 to 54 days. Young are born inside a den, usually places in a rock crevice or hollow tree. Typical litter size is 1 - 4.

Behavior: Nocturnal or crepuscular predator. Excellent climber. Solitary except during the mating season. Males generally have larger home ranges than females and home ranges of same-sex ringtails do not overlap

Habitat: From sea level to 2900 m. Rocky habitats are preferred, but also inhabits semi-arid country, deserts, chaparral, oak woodlands, pine woodlands, juniper woodlands and montane conifer forests.

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