(Campephilus guatemalensis)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: C. guatemalensis ranges from S Mexico to Panama. In Mexico in can be found on both coasts, from Tamaulipas on Atlantic and from sonora on Pacific south to N. Chiapas and east to Yucatan peninsula.

Physical characteristics:Large (35 - 38 cm) woodpecker with prominent red bushy crest. Upperbody is black and down its sides two white lines appear forming a close scapular V. Underbody is barred black and whitish. Male has an entirely red head, neck, chest and upperparts are black. Female similar, but forecrown and throat black. Juvenile resembles female, but underbarrign is less distinct.

Behavior: Feeds both low and high in the canopy, sometimes even in groups of 5 - 6 birds. An association with Lineated woodpecker (Dryocopus lienatus) has been observed.

This species inhabits humid to semiarid forest and edge and also plantations and mangroves from sea level to 2000 m above the sea level.

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