(Caracara plancus)
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Geographic range: Nearctic - Neotropical: Found from S U.S.A. throughout Mexico south to Central and S South America (Tierra del Fuego).

Physical characteristics: Crown and crest black, as well as lower chest, belly and upperparts. Face, neck and upper chest white. Tail is white with a wide black terminal band. Adults have pale blue bill and pale brown to yellow eyes. Cere and lores are bright orange, legs yellowish to red.

Food habits: Feeds mostly on carrion and arthropods. Vertebrate prey (mammals, birds and reptiles) are primarily captured to feed nestlings and marginally as food for breeding or immature adults.

Reproduction: Nests are formed as a mass of sticks in a small tree or bush. Typical clutch has 2 -4 buff or brown eggs with dark mottling.

Behavior: Usually seen singly or in pairs, occasionally in groups up to 50 individuals. Agile on ground, often attracted to road kill.

Open to semiopen habitat, with scattered trees and bushes.

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