(Dermophis oaxacae)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: Endemic to Mexico. Reported from following states: Jalisco, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Chiapas.

Physical characteristics: Robust caecilian with rather large head, subterminal mouths, and eyes that lie beneath a layer of skin. Splenial teeth are missing. Overall body color was described as blue -black but also reddish pink, suggesting color variability. The number of secondary annuli is 80-98% that of primary annuli. Usually reach the size up to 50 cm.

Food habits: Details of the natural history are not well known. Feeds possibly on earthworms, maybe lizards .

Reproduction: Closely related species (D. mexicanus) is viviparous, with gestation lasting 1 year and clutch size of 4 -12.

Behavior: Borrows in loose moist soil and surface litter, also beneath fallen trees, banana leaves, garbage piles and piles of stable manure.

Tropical deciduous forest, scrub, agricultural areas, tropical evergreen forest

Biomes: tropical forest and rainforest

Conservation: Status of wild population and natural history is very poorly known.

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