range: Nearctic - Neotropical: Formerly distributed from SW
USA to Argentina, its range has been shrinking especially at its extremes.
Today, usually stated to range from N Mexico, through Central America
to Argentina.
Physical characteristics: Robust,
rather heavy headed, short legged cat. The largest cat of the Americas,
reaching up to 100 kg in weight (males bigger than females), with
animals dwelling in open areas being bigger than those from forested
habitats. Overall body color either tan or almost black, always marked
with circular black rosettes, usually with a black central spot. Melanistic
- black, animals are very common due to the fact that melanism is
inherited as a monogenic dominant to the normal golden-colored form,
rather than through a recessive allele.
Food habits: Carnivorous. Composition
of diet reflects availability of prey ina given area. Preys on small
and large mammals, reptiles, also birds and fish.
Reproduction: In wet tropical areas
reproduction is ongoing throughout the year, in drier subtropical
areas probably tied to autumn months, or during wetter periods, probably
as an adaptation to bigger availability of prey.
Behavior: Usually solitary, although
couples were reported (both mixed and same sex). Although believed
to be mostly nocturnal, may be active throughout the day. Males' homeranges
are typically larger than those of females, but their size seems to
me strongly habitat -dependent. Larger in open areas and smaller in
forested habitats.
Habitat: Prefers undisturbed evergreen
forest, deciduous forest, but is also found in more open areas, such
as grasslands (those with higher vegetation) and mangroves.
Conservation: CITES appendix I, Protected
throughout most of its range. Numbers largely reduced due to overhunting
for fur in the past and ongoing habitat destruction. In many areas
hunted by cattle farmers as a response to its habit to attack livestock. |