(Pharomachrus mocinno)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: Found from Mexico to Panama. In Mexico from southern mountains south to Guatemala.

Physical characteristics: One of the most striking birds of Neotropics.
Male - intense emerald green, with red belly and extremely long upper tail coverts, which are often confused with tail, which itself is white and concealed. Tail coverts can extend as far as 60 cm beyond the tail tip. Head has short crest and short bill.
Female - lacks crest and elongated feathers. Chest is green and uderparts gray and red in lower section.

Food habits: Mostly fruit and insects.

Reproduction: Nests in tree cavities. Eggs are pale blue. Typical clutch 2 -3 eggs. Incubation lasts for around 18 days. Both parents build the nest and incubate.

Behavior: Solitary or in pairs. Diurnal. Males defend territories through vocalization, especially at dawn and mid - morning.

Tropical cloud forest - up to 4000 m above sea level.

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