range: Neotropic: Native range of distribution stretches
from Central Guatemala to the provinces of Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato
and Nayarit, in Mexico. It was introduced to Elliot Key, 32 km south
of Miami.
Physical characteristics: Large,
highly variable squirrel. At least 4 color groups are described:
1. south of Tehuantepec - Pale gray above,
often orange patch on head and neck. Cream or orange below.
2. Tabasco - Shoulders, sides, forelegs and belly deep red, rest
3. Tabasco - Entirely black.
4. Chiapas highlands, Guatemala - Dark gray or gray brown above,
orange below.
Food habits: Important sources
of food are the fruit (esp. papaya), seeds (Cecropia,
Ficus spp. etc), coconuts and thatch palm.
Behavior: Diurnal and solitary.
Territorial. Mainly arboreal.
Reproduction: Nest constructed
of leaves, placed on tree branch. Litter has 2 - 4 squirrels, born
during the dry season.
Habitat: thorn
scrub, deciduous forest, evergreen forest, pine - oak forest, secondary
growth, seldom in wet evergreen forest.