(Urosaurus bicarinatus)
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Geographic range: Neotropical: Endemic to Pacific coast of W Mexico from Sonora to Michoacan.

Physical characteristics: Small arboreal lizard (38 -50 mm), males bigger than females. Dorsoventrally flattened, with small, but broad head. Several rows of enlarged dorsal keeled scales. Scales on sides less keeled, on throat imbricate. Short legs with numerous femoral pores. Overall color of dorsal region is gray to brownish gray with numerous white tubercles. Males possess two blue ventral patches. Their throat is yellow. Females lack the blue ventral coloration and their throats are of lighter yellow color.

Food habits: Mostly insects.

Reproduction: Oviparous. 2 clutches are produced during one reproductive season, which occurs during the rains. Typical clutch has 4- 8 eggs.

Behavior: Arboreal, diurnal.

Habitat: deciduous tropical forest, semi -deciduous tropical forest.


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